58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths -
- Brand New 58mm Professional 0.43x Wide Angle Lens
- This wide angle lens attaches to most cameras, camcorders and lenses with 58mm filter threads.
- Also includes step-up/step down ring adapters giving you the ability to attach this lens to cameras with filter threads of 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm.
- Lens back thread size: 58mm.
- Lens front thread size: 85mm (for attaching filters or hoods of 85mm.)
- Your camera's lens thread size will be marked somewhere on the lens barrel. Usually either at the front [between the glass and threads] or at the bottom [alongside other lens specifications]. This number is always preceded by a "Ø" (diameter) symbol. Eg. Ø52 = 52mm thread size. Can also often be found printed on the back side of your lens cap.
- 2-in-1 This wide angle lens features a detachable macro lens for close-up, high detail photography. Attach the macro portion to your standard lens to take sharp pictures as close as 50mm from the subject (perfect for flowers, coins, insects, etc.).
- New Premium MagicFiber® Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
- Quantity: 3
- Ultra gentle! Extremely fine microfiber leaves zero scratches, streaks or marks. Safe for all lenses.
- Features special saw tooth pattern edges. Other sellers' cloths have unfinished edges that will fray easily, the weave becoming undone and threads pulling out easily. Our microfibers are made with premium materials and designed to the highest standard of quality.
- Clean without the need of soaps or detergents. Wipe down kids' toys, cribs, stainless steel counters and other areas you want to keep chemical free.
- Great value for your money. Reusable and long lasting. No more paper towel and tissue waste.
- 6 x 7 inches (15cm x 18cm)
- Each microfiber is individually and neatly packed in it's own polyurethane plastic bag for long term safekeeping.
When you are to buy a B0052W0SRQ, most likely you must fully understand what you are looking for. With many options at this time, this is no surprise that the majority of consumers can be plagued and upset each time picking one of the best of B0052W0SRQ to choose from.
Below we intend to focus on from a distinctive B0052W0SRQ that can help your final decision. Introducing 58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths, and that is one of the most advised model readily available that you can buy at this time.
With that being claimed as the best products, so lets evaluate select:the main|an important] benefits of buying a 58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths.
Key features of 58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths
- Includes: 58mm Professional 0.43x Wide Angle Lens with Detachable Macro Lens Portion + Front and Back Lens Covers + Protective Lens Bag + Step-up/Step-down Adapter Ring Set: 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm + 3 Premium MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths
- Backed with DigitalGoja 90-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Product Overview
- Brand New 58mm Professional 0.43x Wide Angle Lens
- This wide angle lens attaches to most cameras, camcorders and lenses with 58mm filter threads.
- Also includes step-up/step down ring adapters giving you the ability to attach this lens to cameras with filter threads of 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm.
- Lens back thread size: 58mm.
- Lens front thread size: 85mm (for attaching filters or hoods of 85mm.)
- Your camera's lens thread size will be marked somewhere on the lens barrel. Usually either at the front [between the glass and threads] or at the bottom [alongside other lens specifications]. This number is always preceded by a "Ø" (diameter) symbol. Eg. Ø52 = 52mm thread size. Can also often be found printed on the back side of your lens cap.
- 2-in-1 This wide angle lens features a detachable macro lens for close-up, high detail photography. Attach the macro portion to your standard lens to take sharp pictures as close as 50mm from the subject (perfect for flowers, coins, insects, etc.).
- New Premium MagicFiber® Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
- Quantity: 3
- Ultra gentle! Extremely fine microfiber leaves zero scratches, streaks or marks. Safe for all lenses.
- Features special saw tooth pattern edges. Other sellers' cloths have unfinished edges that will fray easily, the weave becoming undone and threads pulling out easily. Our microfibers are made with premium materials and designed to the highest standard of quality.
- Clean without the need of soaps or detergents. Wipe down kids' toys, cribs, stainless steel counters and other areas you want to keep chemical free.
- Great value for your money. Reusable and long lasting. No more paper towel and tissue waste.
- 6 x 7 inches (15cm x 18cm)
- Each microfiber is individually and neatly packed in it's own polyurethane plastic bag for long term safekeeping.
The 58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths is certainly a really good product It is very Ideally suited for you who wish to enjoy good quality B0052W0SRQ that suit with your wallet. For those folks that are interested in economical yet reliable B0052W0SRQ, then the 58mm 0.43X Super Wide Angle Lens with Soft Fisheye Effect and 52mm, 55mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm Adapter Rings + 3 MagicFiber Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloths is the one for you!
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